A Tour Thro' the Whole Island of Great Britain, by a Gentleman [d. Defoe].. none
![A Tour Thro' the Whole Island of Great Britain, by a Gentleman [d. Defoe].](https://d1w7fb2mkkr3kw.cloudfront.net/assets/images/book/lrg/9781/1738/9781173828462.jpg)
Author: none
Published Date: 22 Jul 2011
Publisher: Nabu Press
Language: English
Format: Paperback| 394 pages
ISBN10: 117382846X
ISBN13: 9781173828462
Publication City/Country: Charleston SC, United States
Dimension: 189x 246x 21mm| 703g
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A tour through the whole island of Great Britain, by Daniel Defoe. Letter IV Containing a Description of the North Shore of the Counties of Cornwall, and Devon, and Some Parts of Somersetshire, Wiltshire, Dorsetshire, Gloucestershire, Buckinghamshire and Berkshire.North Cornwall and Devon. SIR My last letter ended the account of my travels, where Nature ended her account, when she meeted out the Defoe, Daniel, 1661 -1731. A tour thro' the whole island of Great Britain / by a gentleman. 5th ed. (London:printed for S. Birt, T. Osborne, D. Browne, T. and T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, A.Millar, J. Robinson, and J. and J. Rivington, 1753) 4 v. This first appeared in four volumes from 1724-1727. It surveys the commercial and agricultural state of the nation, as well providing details useful for Pat Rogers calls this text the "true English epic," and for good reason. Defoe's tours, or circuits, throughout Great Britain, provide a fascinating micro- and macrocosm of Great Britain in the early eighteenth century, and are still referred to by scholars as an accurate representation of the economic, geographic, and social features of the time. A tour thro' the whole island of Great Britain: Divided into circuits or journeys. Giving a particular and entertaining account of whatever is curious, and worth observation; By a gentleman. [pt.1] Defoe, Daniel, 1661 -1731. Get this from a library! A tour thro' the whole island of Great Britain.:Divided into circuits or journeys. Giving a particular and entertaining account of whatever is curious, and worth observation;viz. I.A description of the principal cities and towns By a gentleman. The fifth edition. With very great additions, improvements, and corrections;which bring it down to the year 1753. In four volumes. With A tour thro' the whole island of Great Britain is an account of his travels by English author Daniel Defoe, first published in three volumes between 1724 and 1727. Other than Robinson Crusoe, Tour was Defoe's most popular and financially successful work during the eighteenth century. Pat Rogers notes that in Defoe s use of the literary vehicle (the tour or circuit ) that could straddle the literal and the Buy A Tour Through the Whole Island of Great Britain (English Library) Reprint by Daniel Defoe, Pat Rodgers (ISBN: 9780140430660) from Amazon's Book A TOUR Thro' the Whole ISLAND of GREAT BRITAIN. Divided into CIRCUITS or JOURNEYS. GIVING A Particular and Entertaining ACCOUNT of whatever is Curious, and worth Observation; VIZ. I. A DESCRIPTION of the Prin cipal Cities and Towns, their Situation, Government, and Commerce. A tour thro the whole island of Great Britain, divided into circuits or journies interspersed with useful observations particularly fitted for the perusal of such as desire to travel over the island.: By a gentleman. 6th ed., with very great additions, improvements and corrections, which bring it down to the end of the year 1761. A tour thro the whole island of Great Britain, divided into circuits or journies interspersed with useful observations particularly fitted for the By a gentleman. 6th ed., with very great [Daniel Defoe] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This book is a replica, produced from digital images of the original. It was scanned at the University of Toronto Libraries and may contain defects A TOUR Thro' the Whole ISLAND of GREAT BRITAIN. Divided into CIRCUITS or JOURNEYS. GIVING A Particular and Entertaining ACCOUNT of whatever is Curious, and worth Obſervation; VIZ. I. A DESCRIPTION of the Prin cipal Cities and Towns, their Situation, Government, and Commerce. II. The Cuſtoms, Manners, Exer ciſes, Diverſions, and Imploy ment of the People. III. Daniel Defoe, A tour thro' the whole island of Great Britain, divided into circuits or journies (London: JM Dent and Co, 1927) The Esk is a tolerable large river, and gives name to the south east part of this county; but we saw little worth notice but Kirsop, a small market town on a river of the same name, which afterwards falls into Esk, and is famous for being the place where, by a treaty, after the battle of Pinkey, the limits or borders of the two kingdoms were settled; though the borderers observed it no longer than served for their purpose, The Fortunate Mistress [Roxana]; the first volume of A Tour thro the Whole Island of Great Britain (second and third volumes in 1725 and 1726). 1725 The Complete English Tradesman (second volume, 1727). 1726 The Political History of the Devil. 1727 Conjugal Lewdness; and An Essay on the History and Reality of Apparitions. 1729 Wrote The Compleat English Gentleman (published in 1890). 1731 Died 24 A tour through the whole island of Great Britain, by Daniel Defoe. Letter II Containing a Description of the Sea-Coasts of Kent, Sussex, Hampshire, and of Part of Surrey.Kent Coast and Maidstone. SIR As in my first journey I went over the eastern counties of ENGLAND, viz. ESSEX, SUFFOLK, NORFOLK, and CAMBRIDGE, and took my course on that side the river Thames, to view the sea-coasts, harbours, &c.
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